Novel Puzzle is a computer version of "Fifteen", a sliding puzzle game. In this game, you have a 4x4 matrix with fifteen sliding tiles and an empty space. You need to move the sliding tiles until they form a picture that appears scrambled at the beginning of the game. You will have to figure out how to move each tile in its right place, sliding one tile at a time into the empty space. The game will keep a register with the number of movements you had to make to solve the puzzle, and the time it took you. Your score will be based on both values.
It takes time and patience. Therefore, if you are not a very patient person, I would not recommend this game to you, as it can be frustrating at times. As a strategy, do not try to form the image placing tiles and leaving them unmoved. That will not work; you should better try to form a string of tiles that are in the right sequence, so that once you finished building your chain, you can move all the tiles into their right place.
When finished, you will be offered to submit your score to the Novel Games site.